What is the booking process?
Brittany recommends booking 6-12 months in advanced. To hold your date and signed contract is required. Once your contract is received an invoice will be send out. To secure your date a non-refundable deposit of 50% of your booking total will be due 42 hours after the invoice is sent out. Request a phone call and let us make you feel confident in our ability to accommodate you for all you services!
I'm not sure of all of my wedding day details just yet, including my head count. Can I still sign the contract and add on later?
YES! Absolutely! Your date and the head count are the most important details for us to secure things on our end, but we do not require a head count until 6 months before your wedding. To book extra artists we require at least 5 services per additional artist. If you are booking after that time frame, we cannot always guarantee accommodating a larger party but will do our best to assign an artist for the add on services.
When should I book my trial?
For the best results, Brittany recommends scheduling your trial 3 months prior to your wedding. This way most of your details will be set and your hair and skin tone should likely be close to your wedding day appearance. Check out Brittany's trial tips to help make the most out of your trial !
Do I have to do a trial?
A trial is required for all bridal bookings but we understand that sometimes setting up an extra session might not be in the cards for everyone so contact us and we will figure out how to customize your package to your needs!
How should I prep for my trial?
Bring the following if you have them -Inspiration photos, veil/headpiece, clip in extensions, jewelry as well as any questions you make have. This is the best time to pick Brittany's brain as something questions might come up that you have not thought about yet. It is recommended to where a light colored or white top to avoid color reflection and to give you a better idea of your look with your wedding dress. If you are planning on getting a spray tan or hair color change having that done your trial is a great idea to give you a better visual for your bridal look!
What accommodations are needed for the artists on my wedding day?
Each artist will need some table space need an outlet and a chair. Makeup artists need a bar stool or counter height stool while Hair stylist need a standard height chair. Ideally some place near natural is best for getting your makeup done but it's not a must as we bright out own lighting. Not to worry as most venues are equate this these essentials.
How should we prep our hair & makeup for my wedding day?
One day old unwashed hair is normally best to work with but if your hair tends to get oily quick than washing the morning of is ok as long as your hair is completely dried before its your turn. If you have curly hair and we are using your natual curl style your hair as normal using a curl cream or soft mousse and we will re define your curl. If you want your natural curl straight or a bigger curl you can use a flat brush when drying it to smooth some of your curl out. NO flat ironed hair and your hair must be completely dried. Clean faces for makeup with routine skin care. NO SPF please.
All waxing should be done at least 3 days before.
Will you be with me all day to do touch ups or change my look?
Your bridal package includes a 30-minute window after Brittany's last client while she is cleaning up for any touch ups or staged getting ready photos with your photographer. If you would like extra time or for Brittany to come back for touch's ups after your ceremony or to change your look, those accommodations can definitely be made. The cost of extra time will be added to your invoice as follows.
Extra time the morning of $75 each additional hour. Bridal touch up $150 initial 90 min. $75 each additional hour. Don't forget that the makeup applications provided are long wearing and will hold up all night, but everything is customizable so if you are unsure if a touch up will be necessary contact us.